Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Aria's delivery - How Mom describes it

I would have never guessed that I would EVER in my life deliver a baby naturally. I am such a chicken when it comes to pain. Cadence's delivery was basically that my water broke and by the time I got to the hospital I was 6 cm dilated and I had got the epidural and the rest was a relatively painless delivery except for the fact that I pushed for 2 hours. I still did not know what a contraction felt like so that morning when I felt my stomach hurt, I thought I had to go to the bathroom. The pain was very mild, but for some reason I timed it. Hmmm, every 2 minutes. I waited half an hour. Then tried to go to the bathroom. Nothing. Pain got a little worse. ok, time to wake Julian up and call the doctor. Doctor told me to come in. Julian calls Victor. Thankfully he had just gotten back from traveling for work and he was wide awake from watching a movie. I got ready really fast and told Julian that we probably can't wait another 20 minutes for Victor to get here. We did the bad parent thing and left Cadence sleeping for about 10 minutes by herself before Victor came. Doors were locked and she was sleeping. Hopefully she'll forgive us when she gets older.....

In the car, contractions were getting worse where I had to breathe heavily. By the time I got into the hospital room, I was moaning in pain and looking forward to my 1.5 minutes of relief between contractions. On a side note, I was happy to see that my favorite nurse from my last delivery was there for my delivery and that even though my doctor was not on call that night, the next best one that I liked was there to deliver my baby. Very soon did my 1.5 mins of relief go away. My contractions were literally on top of each other. Nobody wanted to tell me that it was too late to get my epidural. Even I knew that, but didn't want to admit it. My eyes were closed through all of this because of the intense pain and all I remember was hearing the doctor say "Sweetie, do you want to push?" I just said ok.... By this time, everything that people told me about giving birth naturally ran through my head. It really did feel like I was taking the biggest poo of your life. I had this desire to push so I did. There was an intense amount of pressure and stretching and I screamed not only because of the pain, but the shock the fact that I was going through this. After the first push, I thought, "I thought this was suppose to be really quick like people said?" and I couldn't take another push because I was just in shock. I was screaming and crying for help!! But for some reason, I pushed again really hard and I felt the rest of Aria come out. What a relief!!!! After she came out, I thought in my mind, "what the heck just happened..." I think the fact that I never would have thought I'd go through that made the delivery harder for me. If I had prepared myself of the possibility, then maybe it would have gone a "tiny" bit better....

My first words to Julian after this happened was "I am NOT going through this again" and I meant it. But of course as they all say, you forget about everything once the baby comes out. I don't think I necessarily forgot, but I would still consider having more kids. :)

1 comment:

  1. Poor Julie! You of all people had to go through the pain without the epidural, and you braved it like a champ! :oD
